Press Releases
XOR joins CCW at booth 805 at the Javits Center in New York on November 14 to 15, 2012. In 2012, SeaChange Broadcast comes back to the Content and Communications World show as XOR Media. The XOR Universal MediaLibrary (UML), the robust and scalable storage with simultaneous NAS and SAN access, will be featured at the show.
XOR Media and Dalet join Italian magazine Millecanali in a day-long conference for television production: Digital Newsroom 2012. Publishers, technical directors, and editors of national networks and local TV channels will share their experiences in new production processes and systems, based on the most advanced digital technologies.
XOR Media (formerly SeaChange Broadcast) joins the big stars in the annual SMPTE conference in Hollywood, California. On the spotlight will be XOR Media’s storage system Universal MediaLibrary with simultaneous NAS and SAN access. The company will be at SMPTE booth 110 at the Loews Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood, California on October 23 to 25, 2012.
XOR Media (India) will exhibit their open, cloud-capable, and media-optimized technologies at Broadcast India 2012 in Mumbai, India. The company will showcase its high-density MediaServer video server; Universal MediaLibrary storage system with simultaneous NAS and SAN access; and various IP-based workflow solutions. XOR Media will be exhibiting with consultancy, design, system supply, and installation company and XOR partner Telerad. They will be at booth F624-25 at the Bombay Exhibition Center on October 10 to 12, 2012.
XOR Media (formerly SeaChange Broadcast), developer of high-performance, open, IT storage for media applications and private cloud data centers, has been validated to run with Dalet's media asset management- based solution. The integration of media-centric solutions from both companies enables broadcasters to efficiently manage and deliver their assets in high quality, as demanded by television and entertainment consumers of today.
Universal MediaLibrary and MediaServer 1200 central to the brand new HD news channel

XOR Media (formerly SeaChange Broadcast), developer of high-performance, open, IT storage for media applications and private cloud data centers, announced its partnership with Archiware, solutions provider for storage backup, synchronization, and archiving.
XOR servers and storage infrastructure supports Etere MTX IT-based playout

XOR Media (formerly SeaChange Broadcast), developer of high-performance, open, IT storage for media applications and private cloud data centers, takes its partnership with Etere, renowned provider of media software solutions, to the next level. The partnership aims to simplify playout workflow by integrating playout with graphics and master control functions as "channel in a box".